
Article - Airline

First Embraer E-Jet converted to freighter completes first flight

by Jeffrey Teruel - Founder/Editor-Flights in Asia
Published on April 06, 2024


Embraer announced the first E-Jet converted to transport cargo has completed its first flight.

Embraer announced the first E-Jet converted to transport cargo has completed its first flight.

The Brazil-based aircraft manufacturer reported the E190F – a converted aircraft from passenger transport to freighter (E-Freighter) – successfully completed a two hour flight in São José dos Campos, Brazil.  

According to Embraer, the aircraft belongs to US-based leasing company Regional One. A crew from Embraer conducted the test flight carrying out a “complete evaluation” of the aircraft. 

“The E-Freighter program opens a new business opportunity for Embraer, meeting e-commerce’s growing global demand for cargo transport and matching the high-tech E-Jets family to an unbeatable operational performance,” says Francisco Gomes Neto, President and CEO, Embraer. “We are very pleased with E190F’s and E195F’s fast progress during the testing period. These jets will be important tools for our customers and allow them to work with more agile and decentralized deliveries.” 

First launched in 2022, Embraer's E190F and E195F Passenger to Freight Conversions (P2F) program comprised of a global network of more than 40 suppliers and more than 600 employees that dedicated to the E-Freighter. 

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